Thursday 21 September 2017

Bogged down by cough and phlegm?? Practice vomiting!!

This is nasty.. yakk.. That’s a treat?? Spit out if there is a problem of cough. Sputum drains out completely. Instead vomiting?? Don’t stick your eyes… read the complete article. Yes, friends… Vomiting is also a kind of treatment in Yoga Therapy. It’s referred as Vamana Dhouti. “Vamana” means vomiting, “Dhouti” means spraying water like a fountain. That forth Vamana Dhouti means spraying out water with vomiting process. There are two types:
1.      1.Kunjala kriya/ Gajakarni :  practice like an elephant spraying water after drinking in its trunk
2.      2.Vyaghra Kriya : practice like a tiger vomits out 4 hours after a meal
Definitely vomiting is not a nasty practice. If we vomit out during fever, the undigested food will expel out following that digestion will be clear. You can get relief from fever too. Its Nature’s law. Animals also practice vomiting after eating grass, is also the same reason.

How to practice?
·         Drink stomach full of lukewarm salt water in empty stomach in half sitting position. (Folded left knee where foot placing over the ground, while the right knee folded touching the ground.)
·         Drink as much as water without resting much to breathe, until the onset of vomiting sensation.
·         Then stand up with legs wide spread, bending forward position. Use your forefinger and middle finger of the right hand to tingle the throat, i.e. epiglottis, while the left hand tied behind lower back.(Modulations: you can also tooth brush alternate of fingers)
·         Immediately water rushes outside, don’t stop the practice of withdrawing hand until water empties from the stomach.
·         Sensation of abdomen squeezing confirms the emptiness of the stomach.
(Observe the image of Vamana Dhouti practiced by me for better understanding)

·         Patients of Hypertension, Cardiac complaints, it’s always to better to get advice of a physician prior to practice.
·         If the stomach is not emptied completely, chances of loose stools up to 2 to  3 times because of drunken salt water. So just be aware.
·         It is mandatory to consume food of non-salty, non-spicy after the practice of Vamana dhouti in order to prevent spoiling of gastric layer of the stomach. One can consume Kichadi which is rich in Ghee also referred as Sathwika food.

Benefits :
कासश्वासप्लीहकुष्टॊ कपयोगाि श्चवॊशश्चत्
धौश्चतकभप्रत बावणे प्रमान्त्यवे सशॊ म्
Kāsaśvāsaplīhakushtham kapharoghāścha vimśatih
Dhautikarmaprabhāvena prayāntyeva na samśayah
(Hatha yoga Pradipika, Chapter 2, Verse 25)
There is no doubt that cough, breathing problem ( Asthama), complaints of spleen, leprosy and 20 kinds of disesases born of phlegm(sputum) disappear by the practice of Vamana Dhouti.

It’s always good to practice Vamana dhouti 3 times per week, at least once in a weak advised. . Dhouti Kriya improves digestive fire along with reducing other complaints like asthma, allergy, acid reflux, gastritis, gas formation, burping and chest burn. As the digestion improves constipation can also relives. Vamana Dhouti is one of the best ever practice for Migraine headache, early morning bitter sensation in the mouth.

  • Dr.Puneeth Raghavendra Kuntukadu  BNYS, MD Yoga Clinical 

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